Last night was the premiere episode of The Fashion Show, Bravo's Project Runway replacement. Like the plain sister of the hot and popular girl at school The Fashion Show tries to be in with the in crowd but falls short. The cast is full of the usual suspects some chick from a small town who dresses like Samantha Fox, named Haven who can't sew a stitch.
Moving on some dude named Merlin who is self taught with great sewing skills. I love how he puts the 22 year old I know everything because I'm young and I just got out of fashion school Daniella back in her place. Some guy named Johnny R who dropped out of fashion school and has the sewing skills to prove it, makes some ugly Harem pants. Because we all know that every girl must have a pair in their closet it's a must have ya hear! Next up one of my favorites Reco, babe you are fab and I love the jacket you made, I would wear it all the time. James-Paul is very talented and had the winning design which you can buy here.
The first challenge was making a little black dress from an black tee, we had some nice looks from Keith and Merlin. Reco made a Vegas hootchie pole dancer dress. Lidia made a craft project and called it avant garde. Final challenge was making an look to work with a must have piece, we had a Bolero jacket, Harem pants, tube dress and a whole lot of ugly. Keith and Merlin had the top designs and Isaac Mizrahi would have fired them all if they were working for him. Kelly said there wasn't one must have piece and she pretty much hated everything. Ok, really Kelly? I wouldn't talk, I mean that's the same girl who wore those hot mess outfits made by Beyonce's mom all the time and now she wants to act like she knows what good style looks like.
Overall the show has a good concept, Kelly needs to be replaced and I think Janice Dickinson would be great for the show.