Showing posts with label Cool Finds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cool Finds. Show all posts

Note taken

I am so smitten by Japanese company D-Bros. sticky notes arranged like sliced fruit.These note pads come packaged in the foam protective netting often seen at supermarkets to protect fruits.

Spin Sugar

These hot Audiwood turntables by Joe  Scilley would look so good in my place. 

Fire up your day

Unique calendar made of matches, pretty cool and innovative.

Absinthe Lollipops

Absinthe Lollipops made with real Absinthe and no articial colors or flavors. To get some click here.

Tell them where to go

I really dig this really cool arrow ring from topographer DresserJohnson.

Y Water

Y water is a great new low calories and organic flavored water filled  nutrients. I must say it is targeted at providing children with nutrients their diets normally lack, but I think everyone can benefit from brain,muscle,bone and immune boosting water. So drink up ! To find out more about Y water click here.

The five minute candle

Zinoo Park brings this fun new twist on the matchbox. To see more creative fun things from them click here.

Garbage Scout

"The streets are full of interesting and potentially useful things that have been thrown out."
The creator of Garbage Scout makes it easy for dumbster divers to find exactly what they want without having to drive all around town.
How does it work?

When someone finds something intersting they simply snap a photo of it post it on Flickr with the tag garbage scout and it will automatically load unto the Garbage Scout website.

What a great way to score cool free stuff and live green!


Part polaroid part mirror. Fully flexible mirror. Get one here.