Aloha from Oahu! I have moved... Again. I am now in beautiful Oahu and I must say it's much better than I imagined. Life is pretty swell here. Minus all the creepers that list fake ads for places to rent... Gross and not cool, but beyond that the North Shore is fab the Urban Outfitters is giant and there's even a Vivienne Westwood here. I am pretty happy with the new city. I must admit I was missing living in a real city being in Maui.
Now for fashion. I decided to start 2015 with fab designs from Marina Hoermanseder. I don't think that there is a better way to start a year of fashion blogging than by showcasing this s&m leather maiden yet stylish collection. The coral shrug is my favourite. I'd totally rock it and watch the fat tourists give a weird looks.

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